Different Leads and Their Differences – A Lead Market Review

If you are looking to buy leads then it will be important to know the difference between different types of leads. In this lead market Bangalore review we will analyze the differences between these leads. Different Leads and Their Differences As per lead market review , there are cold, warm, and qualified leads that you can purchase. Out of them, the best ones are qualified ones. Let us delve into details of differences in these leads. Cold Leads Lead market feedback shows that everyone tends to receive cold calls frequently. For instance, if you get a call from a credit card company without applying for their card then it will be considered a cold call. These leads where end-user is not aware of the company or is not at all interested in the product is known as a cold call. Warm Leads Warm leads refer to leads for which a user has shown interest by providing his or her details by signing up for company’s newsletter, by following the company on social media platfor...